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How The Tables Turn

Anti-tap water Brits were ridiculed for years... but they've been exposed as being right all along... For years people have been mocked for refusing to drink tap water. But now the tables have t...

How Bradley, dad of 5 from Huddersfield, shocked his wife by fixing one of their biggest marital problems.... fridge space. [reward at the end]👇

A lot of you really liked last week’s review from Katherine. The main reason we got was that it wasn’t just a short ‘yes it’s good’ review and it actually covered the whole installation process fro...

Woeful water

It’s no secret the current state of British water.   *The above image is an unfortunate screenshot from a viral video this week* Water quality has sunk in recent years. Lawsuits and investiga...

How I Installed My Water Filter in 8 Minutes (even though I have no plumbing skills whatsoever...)

Katherine Jennings, 48I was a little unsure when I first saw the Water2 filter. It sounded like a good idea. I’d been using one of the Brita jugs and while the water was ok, I had to change it all ...